Are you stuck in a nurse-life balance that isn’t working for you?

I help nurses who are burned out, overwhelmed, and worn down find satisfaction and happiness in their work and lives again.

Decrease work burnout
so that you can enjoy your day to day.

Create stronger connections
in your relationships at work and at home.

Find and feel the fulfillment you always wanted in your life and career as a nurse.

I bet this isn’t what you signed up for…

You thought getting through nursing school was the hard part.

Everything in life would come together once you were practicing as a professional nurse.

You pictured yourself energized by providing compassionate care to patients alongside co-workers who loved nursing just like you.

You thought you would live a full life on all of those days off. Instead you find yourself spending your time off alone, exhausted, and not wanting to interact with anyone or do anything.

“Nurses are a unique kind. They have this insatiable need to care for others, which is both their greatest gift and fatal flaw.”
Jean Watson

You feel overworked and undervalued on the clock and off.

You’re constantly overwhelmed by the balancing act of work and home life.

You’re going through the motions and don’t feel the connection you desire with patients, friends, family, or yourself.

You think you should be happy with this professional career and life that you've built-but you’re not.

Here’s The Truth:

It IS Possible to Love Your Life as a Nurse

You can have strong, meaningful relationships with patients, coworkers, family and friends.

You can feel confident about yourself, your work, and your life.

You can get through your shifts with less stress.

You can show up as the nurse you were called to be without sacrificing yourself in the process.

I know exactly how you feel…
I felt that way too.

I used to go through the motions of shifts wondering why any of this was happening. I felt overworked and irritated by every order and every ask made of me. I experienced the need to connect and the lack of desire to talk to anyone at the same time. I felt guilty about missing things while being away from my family and equally guilty for not being at work to help when it was busy. I was disappointed with myself and felt frustrated after working so hard to become a nurse just to feel like it wasn’t worth it. I wanted to escape my career. 
When I found coaching it felt like the light had been turned on in a dark room. I started to see the world around me in a different way. I found self-compassion, gratitude, and joy in areas of my life where it was missing. The tools of life coaching helped me re-engage with my life.
One in which I was empowered to succeed.
Nurses are innate helpers. When I learned the concepts used in life coaching, I saw big shifts in my perspective and in my practice. I knew I had to share them with my colleagues and help others who were experiencing the same struggles. It was time to put aside the memes and snarky comment coping strategies and orient my fellow nurses to a more constructive way of thinking. I studied coaching and got certified as a life coach. I now consistently apply coaching tools in so many different areas of my life. I am here to teach you the strategies that will shift your mindset and create empowerment in any situation. I can help you create a career you enjoy and a life you love. 

Let’s Work Together

Work one on one with me where we’ll examine your individual challenges that you face everyday.
We will unwind your stress, anxiety, and unhappiness so that you can connect with the person you thought you would be at this stage of your life. I’ll give you the tools to help you feel more empowered and in control of your life at work and at home.

Here’s how you get started:


Tell me your story and what you really want your life to look like. Let’s assess what we can do together. We’ll talk about how I can help you get there

It’s time for new interventions. I will teach you my strategies and coach you on your biggest challenges. Learn tools you can apply to successfully manage a demanding work and home life.

Discover a new perspective and energy. Enjoy your career. Create meaningful relationships. Reconnect with your passions . Love on yourself. When you start applying this work, you will create incredible outcomes for yourself.

You Deserve This

You provide care, service, and love to those around you everyday. But you can’t continue to pour from an empty cup. It’s time to care for you so that you can feel good about caring for others.

You can start to feel happier and more fulfilled immediately through the coaching we do together. You will be amazed at how these shifts will impact your life.

Stop imagining how things should be different and start creating the change you wish to see for yourself. I’ll help you do it.